Friday, April 16, 2010

My dream part 3

At first i couldn't see Learna or M, all i saw was darkness but then i heard a sound. It was only a slight sound but it was sound. I slowly walked towards it.....Learna? M? There was a rush of sound as they came running towards me, 'Leah your ok' M said. 'Yes, S and I are fine. Are you guys ok?' I said. 'I just wanna be somewhere safe and see daddy again' Learna said. " i know baby, I know. We just have a little more walking to get to a safe place and then we can sleep and rest' i said. Pulling out the compass, light and map I figured out where we were and what direction we needed to go to get to the first safe point and set off. It was a slow, cold and long walk that seems to take hours and hours but we got there in the end. 'This is it' i said, 'what is it' said Learna, 'our safe place, is up this tree' i said, 'I'll show you'. Leading them with the torch, we got to the tree and i found the rope ladder that SM had made to get up. "alright girls, you know those rope bridges and ladders at your daycare and schools?' ' Yes' said the girls, 'This is just like that except your climbing up a tree, once you get to the top of the ladder there is a wooden platform you can climb up on, you just need to push the leaves out of the way to see it. Right Learna you can go first since your the oldest, and when you get to the top, you can help out S and M, ok' 'ok' learna said. I watched as all the girls climbed up and got to the top and then i followed.

The treehouse was very basic, just a wooden floor and small wooden sides. The treehouse itself was camaoflage by the branches and leaves of the tree and if someone was to look up it would just look like a bushy tree. The ladder was covered by tree vines, so noone would know it was even there unless you were in on the treehouse project.
Off to the side of the floor was three buckets of water and some flannels, towels and blankets. I grabbed the blankets and made a sort of a bed for us, I tucked the girls in and then got in myself and soon we were all asleep. It wasn't the most peaceful sleep too many noises that we weren't used to but we had enough sleep to carry us to our next point.
The bright, warm sunlight woke me up and taking in a deep breath i opened my eyes. i was expecting the worst but everything was just as we left it. Looking around the girls were all still asleep, and seeing them in the daylight they looked terrible. S had her dead mothers blood on her clothes, and all three girls were pale, dirty and had scratches from the bush walk. I thought to myself I wonder how bad i look. I slowly got out of the bed careful not to disturb the girls and grab one of the flannels and started washing my body with the water. Once i had finshed i grab a towel and dried myself off, getting the bag of clothes i pulled out a skirt (what was i thinking packing a skirt for an emergency) and a tee-shirt and cardigan and out them on. My stomach growled and up until this point I hadn't even thought about food or water so I grab some food from the food bag and a some water and planned what needs to be done now, when we are gonna leave, what we are going to do once we reach our next safe point and of course when we get to safety what is going to happen to Learna and S. As I was looking at the girls I noticed a brown journal under the towels, I got up quietly and grab it and went and sat back down.
Opening the first page it said Journal and Property of SM. SM had a journal? there was so many entries some were offical work entries but most was about his life with Anna (his deceased wife). I read one entry it said: Learna is my life now, she is the only one who matters and I will protect at all cost just like I promised my beloved on her death bed. Learna looks so much like her mother with her fiery deep dark red hair, beautiful, endless green eyes. Sometimes i have to turn away from her because the sadness and pain I feel to much to bear. Noone will ever replace Anna, my world, my life.

I flicked ahead towards the more recent entries: I was watching Leah read in the garden, she didn't know. Her dark brown hair was so lovely in the sunlight, her blouse pressed against her breasta as the wind blew, she looked the most calm, happy and the most beautiful i have ever seen her. I was about to go out and take her in my arms, kiss and carress her just be with her when Learna ran over to her. Learna sat on Leahs lap and gave her a huge hug. i heard her ask Leah what she was reading, i can't remember what Leah replied i was hypnotised by the scene before me. Leah started reading to Learna, and it was amazing seeing my two ladies together, bonding. Then Learna turned to Leah and said 'you love my daddy don't you?' Leah said 'I really do but don't tell him that'. 'I love him to, and i love you aswell and i want you and daddy to be together forever so we can be a happy family' Leah smiled and said 'I would like that to' and then they hugged and i saw Leahs eyes were glistening with a mixture of happiness, love and something else. I realised I truly love Leah on this day, at that moment. She became as important to me as Learna is. I didn't think my heart could love another woman but today it did....does. I want to spend the rest of my life with Leah, forever. I'm going to ask her to marry me.
My face was wet and i didn't even notice, I was crying for SM and that we won't be able to have that life together and Learna what is going to happen to her......I'll adopt her that is what SM would have wanted. just then the girls stirred and started to wake up.

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